Everyone is invited to worship at Trinity

Join us for worship!

We worship in-person every Sunday at 9:30am, though we are moving to 10am as of June 2. We broadcast live on Facebook on Sunday Mornings. We send a weekly email newsletter with links for other activities. If you’d like to receive our weekly email, please click here to contact the church office.


Rite II with Holy Eucharist - 9:30am (10am, June 2)

The Rite II service has traditional music and a traditional Episcopal Liturgy with modern language


Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing - Noon


Street parking along Main Street is free. We also have access to the Farmer’s Bank gated lot behind the church on Walnut.

What to Expect

We are followers of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and we believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Each week, through music and the Bible, we celebrate God living within and among us.  Through that experience, we live our faith in a diverse community as we gather for worship as a family of believers.  Any one is welcome to join us in worship. 

Our worship has two important parts, the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of Holy Communion as guided by the Book of Common Prayer.  We share a deep history of worship tradition that reflects our heritage yet remains current.  As a part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, which traces it heritage to the beginnings of Christianity, our liturgy retains ancient structure and traditions.

Gluten free wafers are available for Holy Communion.