Worship at Home

Creating a Sacred Space at Home

This can be as simple as a table with a candle and Bible. You could also hang a cross, icon, or other sacred image.

Maybe a small plant with a colored cloth to mark the season.

  • Advent/blue

  • Christmas/white

  • Epiphany/white then green

  • Lent/purple

  • Easter /white

  • Pentecost/red then green

If you have children at home, encourage them to choose the spot and mark it appropriately.

Prayerbooks and Bibles

BCP Online:

Orders of Service:

  • Click here for Morning Daily Devotions

  • The Daily Lectionary can be found here.


Online worship, sermons
and devotions

All Trinity Sunday Services are all live-streamed to Facebook, where you can also access a worship archive.

Trinity also has a youtube channel: click here or search Trinity Office and look for our red doors. There you will find videos of our space, the organ playing, hymns, old sermons, and Godly Play stories.

The Diocese of Lexington also offers resources here: www.diolex.org.

The Episcopal Church offers resources here: episcopalchurch.org/sermons-that-work.

The National Cathedral offers online worship here: cathedral.org